underside of mushroom

How to Counter-Culturally Exit the Hurry


SLOW is a four-letter word in our society. Like, one of those four-letter words. For some people, they may need to put asterisks and dollar signs in place of some of the letters because it is a BAD word. We don’t like slow. It is the opposite of progress. It is a sign of the weak. It means Read more

picnic lunch with Don

Back in January, at one of the very first opening Sundays of our new church plant, the kids and I didn’t know what to do with ourselves after the first service ended. Justin was staying for second service to lead the student ministry, and we hadn’t yet established a rhythm for our new Sunday routine. I thought about sticking around and seeing if the kids and I could be utilized on one of the serving teams or just connect with people in the lobby, but it seemed mostly covered.


As such, we made our way out to the car– the kids started complaining about how hungry they were and suggested Read more

A little bit ago, all your hopes, dreams and aspirations seemed to be running full steam ahead. You were just months away from graduation and all the excitement that comes with it: senior prank plans were in the works and pretty soon you’d be sending out all those graduation announcements and party dates. But all of that quickly changed as your news feed began to shift daily, and one big fat word was stamped in front of all of it: CANCELED.


I can’t pretend to know what it is like to have graduation, prom and every other celebratory moment canceled my senior year of high school. I can’t say that for four years, I looked forward Read more