Tag Archive for: Apostle Paul

Motherhood on the road

I recently shared in my monthly newsletter that parenting teens and parenting toddlers may not be as different as we think. When your kids were little and struggled to fall asleep, you grabbed the keys and drove around town to lure them into dreamland.


Recently, when one of my older kids was struggling with friendships and mood swings (all things preteen), I used the same parenting strategy: I grabbed the keys and took her for a drive.


But I’m not the only one who values a good car ride in the repertoire of tools in the mom tool belt. The value of time spent on the road with your kids came up recently with my new friend and fellow writer, Heather Cruz, author of Grace for Every Mom. I asked her to share with us the grace given to our families when we find unique ways Read more

Nature Path

One of the hardest things in the life of our faith is making big decisions. How do we keep the faith when the impact of our decision could be consequential? My friend and fellow writer, Sharla Hallett wrote the following guest post for Something Like Scales as an alternative takeaway of Paul’s Acts 9 “something like scales fell from his eyes” story. Here’s Sharla. 


Keeping the Faith in Big Decisions


The Biblical examples of people having to make hard, but impactful decisions of obedience are aplenty. God asks his servant to do something that does not make sense to him or her, perhaps even putting them in harm’s way. They must decide whether they will trust and follow God or do what makes sense to them in the moment. Read more